Access Bars Sunshine Coast

Right here on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, you have the opportunity to experience Access Bars, a gentle hands-on technique that calms the mind and relaxes the body. There are 32 points on the head that line up with the Chinese Meridian Lines. When I touch these points, your brain waves begin slowing down, we help you move from Flight and Fight (Sympathetic Nervous System) to Rest and Digest, (Parasympathetic Nervous System). The Subconscious Mind can be accessed in lower brain wave states like Theta, patterns, programs and trauma can be released from the subconscious mind that can and has helped the body, mind & spirit heal. Emotional distress, anxiety and depression can be alleviated in these lower brain wave states. Over multiple treatments, we re-discover joy and peace within.

(See video testimonies below) 

What are the Access Bars®?

Access Bars are electromagnetic points on the head (in the brain); when lightly touched, this helps release trauma, patterns and programs that limit us or cause pain. We access a higher level of our own consciousness over multiple treatments. We heal body, mind & spirit.
Access Bars - Bec D Transformation treating woman on beach with Access Bars Energy Healing
Access Bars Sunshine Coast with Bec D Transformation creates peace and harmony for body mind & spirit
Access Bars with Bec D Transformation treating woman on Mudjimba Beach smiling while woman relaxes

How does Access Bars® help?

Access Bars treatments have assisted thousands of people around the world over 30 years to change many aspects of their lives including anxiety, depression, insomnia, health, weight, money, relationships and so much more. Access Bars is an opportunity to let go of what's not working in our lives. To relax & create peace & calm. Some examples of changes possible are in the testimonies below. Scroll down to view. Local people experiencing unique results here with Bec.

The universe is endlessly abundant and desiring to gift to you!

Calm & Clear Your Mind, Relax Your Body with


Invite healing for body, mind & spirit with the beautiful, relaxing & powerful tool for change that is Access Bars
